Pick a program for your picnic
If you'd like the picnic to be woven with a specific theme, we have prepared some additional program options! Choose which experience would elevate the picnic for you! Prior scheduling is required in all cases.
Wine tasting
Choose from the following packages that Gabi the wine tourist has put together for you.
Enclosed Flavors Wine Tasting
his wine tasting event mainly showcases wines from prominent domestic wineries. During the tasting, we engage in discussions about the wines, so prior tasting experience is not required to participate.
Number of items: A selection of 6 wines (1 sparkling, 2 white, 1 rosé, 2 red), including water consumption alongside the tasting.
Number of participants: Minimum 10 participants.
Locations: Budapest and surrounding areas, Velence Lake area (special arrangements needed for the location in Fehérvárcsurgó)
Price: Up to 10 participants: 10,000 HUF per person, for larger groups, 9,000 HUF per person.
Secrets of the Vineyards Wine Tasting
In this guided tasting, we explore unique wines through personal experiences connected to the wineries. During the tasting, we engage in discussions about the wines, so prior tasting experience is not required to participate.
Number of items: A selection of 6 wines (1 sparkling, 2 white, 1 rosé, 2 red), including water consumption alongside the tasting.
Number of participants: Minimum 10 participants.
Locations: Budapest and surrounding areas, Velence Lake area (special arrangements needed for the location in Fehérvárcsurgó)
Price: Up to 10 participants: 11,000 HUF per person, for larger groups, 10,000 HUF per person.
Premium Rarities Wine Tasting
We present wines from smaller wineries, showcasing natural, unfiltered wines - true hidden gems from Hungary, which are released in limited quantities. During the tasting, we engage in discussions about the wines, so prior tasting experience is not required to participate.
Number of items: A selection of 6 wines (1 petnat, 2 white, 1 rosé, 2 red), including water consumption alongside the tasting.
Number of participants: Minimum 10 participants.
Locations: Budapest and surrounding areas, Velence Lake area (special arrangements needed for the location in Fehérvárcsurgó)
Price: Up to 10 participants: 12,000 HUF per person, for 10 or more participants, 11,000 HUF per person.
The wine tasting is available in English.
DIY cocktail workshop - Budapest Makery
The Makery now offers its DIY cocktail making workshop for delivery straight to your picnic! Mix premium cocktails during your picnic! While you prepare your first cocktail, you can enjoy the picnic, and then you can make the next cocktail while tasting and enjoying the previous ones! You'll receive the recipes online.
Beginner DIY Cocktail Package
Make 2 customizable DIY cocktails per person.
Price: 12,000 HUF per package.
Medium DIY Cocktail Package
Make 3 customizable DIY cocktails per person.
Price: 18,000 HUF per package.
The package prices do not include one-time delivery fees.
Delivery in Budapest: 5,000 HUF.
Delivery outside Budapest: 5,000 HUF + 200 HUF/km.
Bracelet Making Workshop - Chillearrings
Csilla will be there to assist you in creating something unique, giving you some well-deserved me-time that you'll love. Csilla's workshops are always held in a great atmosphere. It's real me-time, where you can get creative, in great company, while enjoying a picnic. And you'll definitely love the end result because you made it.
Chillearrings' bracelet-making workshop has the following prices:
The packages include the drop-off within Budapest. Outside Budapest, HUF 10,000.
Make 1 bracelet per person: 9,900 HUF
Make 2 bracelets per person: 15,900 HUF
Tractor Vineyard Tours at Vass Winery!
Hop on the trailer of a John Deere tractor and explore the vineyards of the Balaton wine region, while learning about the wine region and tasting 3 Balaton wines from Vass Winery! Upon returning to the winery, you can even enjoy a warm meal.
What to Expect:
- Menjetek az előre megbeszélt találkozási pontra, ahol felpattantok a traktor utánfutójára - A túra időtartalma nagyjából 1-1,5 óra - Járjátok be a traktorral Felsőörs dűlőit - Kóstoljatok meg 3 balatoni bort a kirándulás alatt, miközben úton vagytok - Fotózz, gyűjts minél több emléket, hiszen ilyen különleges és aktív borkóstolóban nincs mindennap részed - A túra során egy megállót teszünk a hangulatos szőlőben - Rendeljetek előre opcionális hidegtálat is - A piknikkosár tartalmát kockás plédre telepedve lehet elfogyasztani, mesés környezetben, lenyűgöző kilátással....