Privacy Policy
Az adatvédelmi tájékoztató, amelyben tájékoztatjuk Önt, mint honlapunk látogatóját, valamint szolgáltatásaink igénybe vevőjét társaságunk adatkezelési és adatvédelmi szabályairól.
1. Milyen alapelveket követünk adatkezelésünk során?
Our company follows the following principles when processing data:
- We handle personal data lawfully, fairly, and transparently for you.
- We only collect personal data for specified, explicit, and legitimate purposes and do not process them in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes.
- The personal data we collect and process are appropriate and relevant to the purposes of data processing, and are limited to what is necessary.
- We take all reasonable measures to ensure that the data we handle are accurate and up-to-date, and we promptly delete or correct any inaccurate personal data
- We store personal data in a format that allows you to be identified only for the time necessary to achieve the purposes of data processing.
- We apply appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the proper security of personal data against unauthorized or unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction, or damage.
- Our company your personal data
- We handle your personal data only on the basis of your prior information and voluntary consent, to the extent necessary and always in a purpose-bound manner, meaning that we collect, record, organize, store, and use them.
- In some cases, the processing of your data is based on legal requirements and is mandatory. In such cases, we specifically draw your attention to this fact.
- In certain cases, our handling of your personal data is necessary for our legitimate interests or those of a third party, such as the operation, development, and security of our website.
2. Kik vagyunk?
Válalkozás neve: BRILD Modell Kft.
Székhely: 1063 Budapest, Szinyei Merse Pál utca 14.
Postacím: 1063 Budapest, Szinyei Merse Pál utca 14.
E-mail cím:
Adószám: 25561090-2-42
Cégjegyzékszám: 01 09 395144
Based on Article 37 of the GDPR, our company is not obliged to appoint a data protection officer
Our company’s hosting provider:
Tárhelyszolgáltató neve: Rackhost Zrt.
Tárhelyszolgáltató székhelye: 6722 Szeged, Tisza Lajos körút 41.
Tárhelyszolgáltató honlapja:
Tárhelyszolgáltató email címe:
In order to provide high-quality service to our customers, our company uses the following data processors when handling data:
Adatkezelő: BRILD Modell Kft.
Cím: 1063 Budapest, Szinyei Merse Pál utca 14.
Responsibilities: All activities
If we change the scope of our data processors, we will introduce the changes in this information.
The data we manage:
We only ask our website visitors for their personal data if they want to register, log in, or participate in a prize draw.
We cannot connect the personal data provided in connection with registration or the use of our marketing services, and the identification of our visitors is basically not our goal.
Az adatkezeléssel kapcsolatos kérdéseivel Ön a(z) e-mail, illetve postacímen kérhet további tájékoztatást, válaszunkat 15 napon belül (legfeljebb azonban 1 hónapon belül) megküldjük Önnek az Ön által megadott elérhetőségre.
3. Mik azok a sütik és hogyan kezeljük őket?
Cookies are small data files (hereinafter referred to as “cookies”) that are transferred to your computer through the use of the website, saved and stored by your Internet browser. The majority of the most commonly used internet browsers (Chrome, Firefox, etc.) accept and enable the download and use of cookies as a default setting, but it depends on you whether you refuse or disable them by changing your browser settings, or you also the cookies already stored on your computer can delete it. The “help” menu item of each browser provides more information on the use of cookies.
There are cookies that do not require your prior consent. Our website provides brief information about these at the start of your first visit, such as authentication, multimedia player, load balancer, session cookies helping to customize the user interface, and user-centric security cookies.
Our Company will inform you about cookies that require consent – if data management already starts when you visit the page – at the start of the first visit and we ask for your consent.
Our company does not use or allow cookies that allow third parties to collect data without your consent.
Acceptance of cookies is not mandatory, however, our Company does not assume responsibility if our website does not function as expected if cookies are not allowed.
What cookies do we use?
Name: _ga
Purpose: Register the unique identifier that generates statistical data on how the visitor uses the website.
Expire date: 2 years
Type: HTTP
Name: _gat
PurposeStores the throttle request ratio used by Google Analytics.
Expire date: Session
Type: HTTP
Name: _gid
Purpose: Register the unique identifier that generates statistical data on how the visitor uses the website.
Expire date: Session
Type: HTTP
Name: _fbp
Purpose: Used by Facebook to provide advertising products for a third party (e.g. real-time advertising)
Expire date: 3 months
Type: HTTP
Name: fr
Purpose: Facebook uses this cookie to offer a range of advertising products (such as real-time bidding from third-party advertisers)
Expire date: 3 months
Type: HTTP
You can read more about third-party cookies here on this page. -
4. Mit kell tudni még a honlapunkkal kapcsolatos adatkezelésünkről
You voluntarily provide us with your personal data during registration and contact with our Company, which is why we ask that you gradually ensure that your data is truthful, correct and accurate, because you are responsible for them. Incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete data can be an obstacle to the use of our services.
If you do not provide your own personal data, but someone else’s, we assume that you have the necessary authorization.
You can withdraw your consent to data management at any time free of charge
- by canceling the registration,
- by withdrawing consent to data management, or
- by withdrawing or requesting the blocking of consent to the management or use of any data that must be filled in during registration.
For technical reasons, we undertake the registration of withdrawal of consent within 30 days however, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that in order to fulfill our legal obligations or enforce our legitimate interests, we may process certain data even after withdrawal of consent.
In the event of the use of misleading personal data, or if one of our visitors commits a crime or attacks our Company’s system, we will immediately delete the data of that visitor at the same time as canceling their registration, and – if necessary – we will keep them for the duration of the establishment of civil liability or the conduct of criminal proceedings.
5. Mit kell tudni direkt marketing és hírlevél célú adatkezelésünkről?
You can give your consent for us to use your personal data for marketing purposes by making a statement during registration or later, by modifying your personal data stored on the newsletter and/or direct marketing registration interface (i.e. by clearly stating your intention to consent). In this case – until you withdraw your consent – we will also process your data for the purpose of direct marketing and/or sending newsletters and we will send you advertising and other mailings as well as information and offers and/or forward newsletters (Grtv. § 6).
You can give your consent to direct marketing and the newsletter together or separately, and you can withdraw it/them free of charge and at any time.
Cancellation of registration is always considered a withdrawal of consent. Withdrawal of consent to data management for direct marketing and/or newsletter purposes is not interpreted as withdrawal of consent to data management related to our website. How is this? What and on what basis do we keep it if the newsletter consent has been withdrawn? In the case of contributions, each contribution is for a specific purpose, so registering tomorrow and signing up for the newsletter are two separate purposes, two separate databases, the two cannot be related.
For technical reasons, we undertake the registration of the withdrawal or cancellation of individual consents within 15 days -
6. Mit kell tudni a nyereményjátékokról?
Our company can organize prize games with a campaign character, the specific conditions of which are contained in a separate regulation. The rules of the current campaign can always be found on the opening page of our website, in a centrally located link.
7. Egyéb adatkezelési kérdések
Your data can only be forwarded within the framework defined by law, and in the case of our data processors, we ensure by stipulating contractual conditions that they cannot use your personal data for purposes contrary to your consent. More information can be found in point 2.
Our company does not transfer data abroad.
Courts, prosecutors and other authorities (e.g. police, tax office, National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority) may contact our Company to provide information, provide data or make documents available. In these cases, we must fulfill our obligation to provide data, but only to the extent that is absolutely necessary to achieve the purpose of the request.
Our company’s contributors and employees involved in data management and/or data processing are entitled to access your personal data to a predetermined extent – under the burden of confidentiality.
We protect your personal data with appropriate technical and other measures, as well as ensure the security and availability of the data, as well as protect them from unauthorized access, alteration, damage, disclosure and any other unauthorized use.
As part of organizational measures, we check physical access in our buildings, we continuously educate our employees and keep paper-based documents locked away with appropriate protection. As part of the technical measures, we use encryption, password protection and anti-virus software. However, we draw your attention to the fact that data transmission via the Internet cannot be considered a fully secure data transmission. Our company does everything in order to make the processes as safe as possible, however, we cannot assume full responsibility for data transmission through our website, but we adhere to strict regulations regarding the data received by our company in order to protect your data and prevent illegal access.
Regarding security issues, we ask for your help in carefully keeping your existing access password to our website and not sharing this password with anyone.
8. Melyek az Ön jogai és jogorvoslati lehetőségei?
You about data management
- you can request information
- you can request the correction, modification or addition of your personal data managed by us,
- you can object to data processing and request the deletion and blocking of your data (with the exception of mandatory data processing),
- can take legal action in court,
- you can file a complaint with the supervisory authority or initiate a procedure
Supervisory Authority: National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority
- Headquarters: 1125 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22/c.
- Mailing Address: 1530 Budapest, Pf.: 5.
- Phone: +36 (1) 391-1400
- Fax: +36 (1) 391-1410
- E-mail:
Upon your request, we provide information about the data you manage or process by us – or by our commissioned data processor
- about your data,
- about their source,
- the purpose and legal basis of data management,
- duration, and if this is not possible, the criteria for determining this duration,
- about the name and address of our data processors and their activities related to data management,
- about the circumstances and effects of data protection incidents and the measures we have taken to avoid and prevent them, and
- in the case of forwarding your personal data, about the legal basis of the data transfer and the recipient.
We will provide our information within 15 days (but no later than 1 month) of submitting the application. The information is free of charge, unless you have already submitted an information request to us for the same data area in the current year. The reimbursement you have already paid will be refunded in the event that the data was handled unlawfully or the request for information led to a correction. Information can only be refused in cases provided for by law by specifying the legal place, as well as by providing information about the possibility of legal remedies in court or the possibility of turning to the Authority.
Our company will notify you, as well as all those to whom it previously forwarded the data for the purpose of data management, of the correction, blocking, marking and deletion of personal data, unless the failure to notify does not harm your legitimate interests.
If we do not comply with your request for correction, blocking or deletion, within 15 days (but no later than 1 month) after receiving the request, we will inform you in writing or – with your consent – electronically, of the reasons for our refusal and inform you of the legal remedy in court, as well as the appeal to the Authority about the possibility.
Amennyiben Ön tiltakozik a személyes adatai kezelése ellen, a tiltakozást a kérelem benyújtásától számított 15 napon belül (legfeljebb azonban 1 hónapon belül) megvizsgáljuk és a döntésünkről Önt írásban tájékoztatjuk. Amennyiben úgy döntöttünk, hogy az Ön tiltakozása megalapozott, abban az esetben az adatkezelést – beleértve a további adatfelvételt és adat-továbbítást is – megszüntetjük, és az adatokat zároljuk, valamint a tiltakozásról, továbbá az annak alapján tett intézkedésekről értesítjük mindazokat, akik részére a tiltakozással érintett személyes adatot korábban továbbítottuk, és akik kötelesek intézkedni a tiltakozási jog érvényesítése érdekében.
We will refuse to comply with the request if we prove that the data processing is justified by compelling legitimate reasons that take precedence over your interests, rights and freedoms, or that are related to the presentation, enforcement or defense of legal claims. If you do not agree with our decision, or if we miss the deadline, you can go to court within 30 days from the notification of the decision or the last day of the deadline.
Adjudication of data protection lawsuits falls under the jurisdiction of the court, the lawsuit can be initiated – at the choice of the data subject – before the court of the residence or place of residence of the data subject. A foreign citizen can also file a complaint with the competent supervisory authority according to his place of residence.
We ask that you contact our company before filing your complaint with the supervisory authority or the court – in order to negotiate and resolve the problem as quickly as possible.
9. Melyek a főbb irányadó jogszabályok tevékenységünkre?
- Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the processing of personal data of natural persons (GDPR)
- az információs önrendelkezési jogról és az információszabadságról szóló 2011. évi CXII. törvény – (Info tv.)
- Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code (Ptk.)
- az elektronikus kereskedelmi szolgáltatások, valamint az információs társadalommal összefüggő szolgáltatások egyes kérdéseiről szóló 2001. évi CVIII. törvény – (Eker tv.)
- az elektronikus hírközlésről szóló 2003. évi C. törvény – (Ehtv)
- CLV of 1997 on consumer protection. law (Fogiv tv.)
- CLXV of 2013 on complaints and notifications of public interest. law. (Pktv.)
- XLVIII of 2008 on the basic conditions and certain limitations of economic advertising activity. law (Grtv.)
10. Adatkezelési tájékoztató módosítása
Társaságunk fenntartja magának a jogot jelen Adatkezelési tájékoztató módosítására, amelyről az érintetteket megfelelő módon tájékoztatja. Az adatkezeléssel kapcsolatos információk közzététele a(z) weboldalon történik.
Budapest, 2023.01.06.