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As Hungary's first picnic organizing business operating in a franchise system, we offer a unique experience for those who want to break out of their everyday routine and spend quality time with their loved ones. Thanks to the wide range of themes and locations, everyone can find the picnic experience that suits them best.

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Lépj velünk kapcsolatba


Budapest and the Balaton region are our main areas, where we offer Effclusive picnic experiences at numerous beautiful locations. Whether it's a romantic date, a family gathering, or a friendly meetup, our wide range of services, additional options, and the best catering partners ensure that every occasion is an unforgettable experience. Discover the magic of picnics with us and create memorable moments with your loved ones!

What packages do we offer?

Basically, you can choose from three packages: mini, medium, and maxi. In addition to these packages, there are special editions such as the Igloo Picnic or the Spring Awakening package. You can even enjoy our couple experiences by hopping on a bicycle around the Velence area. You don't have to worry about rain with us! Our special bubble tents provide protection even in light rain and wind, ensuring that you can still enjoy the experience in bad weather! It's important to note that the bubble tent is not the same as the Igloo Picnic; the former does not include heating or power sources. We can provide our bubble tents for up to 12 people, free of charge in bad weather!

A csomagok kiválasztásakor a legfontosabb tényező a létszám és az időtartam. Amennyiben nem szeretnétek nagyobb csomagot, de vágytok valami extrára, bármikor hozzáadhattok extrákat az alapcsomagotokhoz. A csomagok létszáma növelhető, tehát mini csomagot 10 fő is ugyanúgy foglalhat, ugyanúgy maxi csomagot 4 fő is.

A foglalás menete:

Válaszd ki az időpontot, hogy melyik csomagot szeretnétek, majd a helyszínt. Amennyiben szeretnétek ételt is rendelni általunk, vagy extrákra vágytok, lehetőségetek lesz rá ekkor. Válasszatok témát, és meg is vagyunk! A piknik élményt 50% foglaló befizetésével tehetitek meg. Ne aggódjatok, ha esetleg idővel változik a létszám, a piknik előtt 48 óráig ez nem jelent problémát: a fennmaradó összeget az aktuális létszám alapján számoljuk el.  A foglalási folyamatot követően 24 órán belül felvesszük veled e-mailben a kapcsolatot és egyeztetjük a részleteket, hogy biztos minden rendben legyen.

The decoration of the packages is equally rich; the difference lies in the duration and equipment (polaroid, JBL, tent type). Every aspect of our picnic experience is carefully planned to make it truly special for every participant. Currently, we can accommodate picnics for up to 150 people in a classic (table-pillow) setup. For groups over 30 people, please request a quote!

Packages and prices

  • Group experience packages
  • Couple experience packages
  • Optional extras

Mini package

65.000 Ft

Az árak az ÁFA-t tartalmazzák

Each additional participant + HUF 3,000

Medium package

105.000 Ft

Az árak az ÁFA-t tartalmazzák

Each additional participant + HUF 3,500

Maxi package

145.000 Ft

Az árak az ÁFA-t tartalmazzák

Each additional participant + HUF 4,000

2-hour package

HUF 30,000

3-hour package

HUF 40,000

Small extras

HUF 5,000 /each

Big extras

HUF 10,000 /each

Extra elements

HUF 20,000 /each

Extra shade

HUF 30,000 /each

Catering platters

5,000 Ft / package

What food options do we have?

The catering options vary by region: in some locations, you can choose from our own catering options, while in others, you are welcome to bring your own food and drinks. The picnic equipment includes tableware.
However, we have special featured partners with whom we have been working for years. We confidently recommend their offerings if you don't want to deal with food preparation.

