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As Hungary's first picnic organizing business operating in a franchise system, we offer a unique experience for those who want to break out of their everyday routine and spend quality time with their loved ones. Thanks to the wide range of themes and locations, everyone can find the picnic experience that suits them best.

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Lépj velünk kapcsolatba

Picnic Equipment


Custom-designed picnic table, easily foldable. Comfortably accommodates 4 people at a time. 


Colors: White and brown 
Rental price: 10,000 HUF / piece


Cushions with solid color pillowcases.  

45×45 cm

Colors: Milky coffee, pink, blue, yellow, white

Rental price: 500 HUF / piece

Színes piknik alsó takaró vízhatlan réteggel. Egy alsótakarón 2 db piknik asztal fér el. 

Színek: barna, bézs, rózsaszín és vajszín. 

Rental price: 15,000 HUF


Kompakt piknik felszerelés asztallal, alsó takarókkal és párnákkal.

Fontos! A csomag nem tartalmaz dekorációt és étkészletet!

Asztal választható színei: barna és fehér

Párnák választható színei: tejeskávé, rózsaszín, kék, sárga, fehér

Alsótakarók választható színei: barna, bézs, rózsaszín és vajszín

Up to 8 people: 50,000 HUF

Up to 12 people: 60,000 HUF

Up to 16 people: 70,000 HUF

Up to 20 people: 80,000 HUF


Without film 

Colors: Pink, white
Rental price: 5,000 HUF / occasion

Did you like any of the picnic equipment?

Would you like to book them as a package? Do you need more equipment? Let us know what equipment you would need, and we'll calculate a package offer for you! 
In addition to our rental prices, there may be a delivery charge. For the exact details of this, please contact us. The delivery cost depends on the number of items to be rented, the destination, and which of our warehouses the items are located in. 
We currently have 2 warehouses in Budapest and Velence, where you can pick up our equipment for free.